Triggers: Why do they hoard animals?

The animal hoarder is caused or triggered by many aspects of life such as:

  • depression
  • guilt
  • feeling the need to “rescue” them all or savior complex
  • compulsion or attachment disorder

Animal hoarders fall into a category of depression from tragedy while exhibiting a form of the attachment theory.

The attachment theory states that hoarders use animals to fill in for personal attachment that they are unable to fulfill. this is supported by continuous hoarding of animals after deaths of loved ones or a divorce.

One thought on “Triggers: Why do they hoard animals?”

  1. I believe that people have good intentions when they collect animals. They however do not have the means to care for them. Just like other addictions the hoarder desires to take care of and nurture animals filling a void or need. This is when hoarding animals get out of control. It feels good to get a new pet and love it. The hoarder seeks that feeling over and over again.


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